7 分钟
This is not a post for you - it's only my own plans. These are the courses I'm currently interested and will put an eye on it. The probability to execute them all is less than 50%.
If you're really interested, you can subscribe to my weixin public account: 程序人生
Past courses:
The First Step in Entrepreneurship
URL: https://class.coursera.org/innovativeideas-004/lecture
- Entrepreneurial Perspective
- Entrepreneurial Mindset, Motivations and Behavoirs
- Industry Understanding
- Customer Understanding
- Business Modeling
- Business Planning
- Feb 3rd
- 6 weeks
- 5-7 hours of work / week
- English subtitles
Data Analysis and Statistical Inference
URL: https://www.coursera.org/course/statistics
suggested reading: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cr9e177a4yziqih/os2.pdf
- Introduction to data
- Probability and distributions
- Foundations for inference
- Finish up Unit 3 + Midterm
- Statistical inference for numerical variables
- Statistical inference for categorical variables
- Introduction to linear regression
- Multiple linear regression
- Review / catch-up week
- Final exam
- Feb 17th
- 10 weeks
- 6-8 hours of work / week
- English subtitles
Networks: Friends, Money, and Bytes
URL: https://www.coursera.org/course/friendsmoneybytes
- What makes CDMA work for my smartphone?
- How does Google rank webpages?
- How does Netflix recommend movies?
- Why do AT&T and Verizon Wireless charge me $10 a GB?
- How does traffic get through the Internet?
- Why doesn't the Internet collapse under congestion?
- Why is WiFi faster at home than at a hotspot?
- March 1st
- 9 weeks
- 8 hours of work / week
- English subtitles
Machine Learning
URL: https://www.coursera.org/course/ml
- March 3rd
- 10 weeks
- 5-7 hours of work / week
- English subtitles
An Introduction to Operations Management
URL: https://www.coursera.org/course/operations
- Introduction
- Process analysis
- Productivity
- Responsiveness
- Quality
- Product variety
- March 3rd
- 8 weeks
- 5-7 hours of work / week
- English subtitles
Grow to Greatness: Smart Growth for Private Businesses, Part II
Previous course: https://class.coursera.org/growtogreatness-002/lecture
URL: https://www.coursera.org/course/GTG
- The Entrepreneur Must Grow, Too!
- The “Secret” of High Performance is High Employee Engagement
- Growth Is Much More Than a Strategy—It Requires a SYSTEM
- The Surprising Difficulties in Building a Senior Management Team
- March 17rd
- 4 weeks
- 4-6 hours of work / week
- English subtitles
Introduction to Public Speaking
URL: https://www.coursera.org/course/publicspeak
- Design and deliver basic arguments clearly.
- Design and deliver informative presentations clearly.
- Design and deliver complex arguments persuasively.
- Speak confidently with appropriate rate, projection, movement, and vocal variety.
- Evaluate and critique speeches insightfully.
- March 31th
- 10 weeks
- 3-5 hours of work / week
- English subtitles